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Juvenile Crime Lawyers

Juvenile detention centers can and will destroy a young child. Retaining an attorney with experience in juvenile crimes can prevent this. Having the resources of a juvenile defense lawyer available can help you and your child plan and understand the proper course of action.

  • Juvenile Felony Conviction: Automatic qualification for Texas Youth Commission (TYC)
  • Juvenile Serious Felony Offense: Could be charged as an adult

In addition to severe penalties, some colleges and universities will refuse acceptance based on a juvenile criminal history. A skilled juvenile defense lawyer can help ensure that a youth receives the care and treatment necessary to help him or her through a difficult time. An experienced juvenile defense lawyer can negotiate on behalf of a juvenile to seek the best possible result. Jones & Hull, P.C. will work to protect your child.

DWI Lawyer Plano, TX
     Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation: 602-467-6742

Jones & Hull, P.C.

3242 Coplin Avenue McKinney, TX 75069
Tel: 602-467-6742
Fax: 602-467-2154
2929 Carlisle St., Suite 220
Dallas, TX 75163

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